

  1. 今を共に生きる、世界の友人の皆さんへ
  2. プーチン氏へのメッセージ
  3. ウクライナで声を上げられない皆さんへ
  4. 豊かさをどうとらえ、日々に安らぎを保つかについて。私たちにできることはないのか

This is an urgent discussion and action proposal for a blind person living in Japan.

  1. To all the friends of the world who live with us today,
    What’s happening< is not a smartphone game.
  2. Message to Putin
    The great achievement Jesus Christ has achieved in Russia is not to kill each other.
  3. For those of you who can’t speak up in Ukraine,
    I want you to have the courage to listen to the voices of life.
  4. It’s about how you perceive affluence and how you keep your days at ease.Is there anything we can do?
    It warns a society dominated by “excellent leaders of rich countries.”


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